Wild Redwood Forest Fern Oil

$65.00 $65.00

sustainably foraged wild redwood forest ferns in kukui nut oil. (at least 9 varieties)

1 oz. dropper bottle

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Ferns have had the same DNA for 300 million years…

They are virtually the same as they were when the Dinosaurs roamed our planet. And they are one of the only plants that have been able to do so.
Redwood forests are perfect acidic soil for Fern growth. I have seen several different types of Fern hiking in our California Redwood forest. Maiden Hair, Water Fern, Sword Fern, Polypody or Licorice, Goldback, and Japanese Climbing Fern. Which are all present in our oils.
Arthritis and muscle pain relief is the best know use of ferns over the ages. It has really helped us here on The Butterfly Hill. We have also been putting it in our noses, it has a wonderful way of clearing out sinuses. It is also great for cuts and scrapes. Like Seaweed, it has been used for centuries by many cultures.

Native Americans made a poultice to treat snakebites. A Tea of Lady Fern or Fiddle Fern was used for respiratory ailments. And Lady Ferns were used to help with pain in childbirth.

Hawaiians consider ferns to be a big part of life. Hula dancers adorn themselves with traditional ferns gathered in sacred ceremonies. As I hike off-trail in our Redwood Forest I chant and sing to the Ferns, thanking them for all their healing properties. When foraging, never take more than you need.

I have chosen Kukui Nut oil for its healing properties. Its golden color is really beautiful. And Jojoba oil as it is closest to our skin’s PH and absorbs completely and quickly. It is also high in Vitamins A, E and C which makes it great for fine lines and wrinkles. It is interesting how the Jojoba took on the color of the Ferns. Grapeseed Oil is very high in Vit E and has antimicrobial properties making it a versatile skin oil.

I am now drying ferns here on The Butterfly Hill to be used in future products. It’s all so exciting.

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Weight .5 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 2 in


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