NorCal SeaWeed Oil

$65.00 $65.00

12 in stock

SKU: tbh_seaweedoil_01oz Category: Tags: , ,

I have been able to find and identify five different types of Seaweed on my local beach and use them in every product we make here on The Butterfly Hill. Coralline, Sea Lettuce, Giant Kelp, Bull Kelp, and Duse. All Seaweed collected is literally a Gift of the Sea. I only forage on the beach for Seaweed that has broken off and washed ashore.

The oil allows deep penetration to the skin’s multiple layers.

I have also seen major benefits for psoriasis. By using the Seaweed trio at the first sign of trouble, you can not only slow down a painful episode but keep your skin healthier without harmful drugs.

I have seen people with bad shingles that have been troublesome for years have major relief in just days! The Salt scrub breaks down the hard exterior and allows the Seaweed to get into the affected areas and allow relief.

Weight .25 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 2 in


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