I can’t tell you how very happy I was to get a truckload of horse manure! My good friend who is a horsewoman was kind enough to deliver a whole truckload of fresh green manure. I set to work to spread it all around The Butterfly Hill. We are building up the land and by putting down a layer of manure and then wood chips, we are conditioning the soil. Once the rains come bacteria will start to break down the manure. Then the bugs and worms will come and aerate the area and make new soil. This is a great way to take soil that may not be perfect and make it fertile healthy soil ready to grow food!
If you are trying to grow food, starting with healthy soil is crucial. You may consider getting your soil tested. Then you will know exactly what you need to add to grow. Or like here on The Butterfly Hill, compost, manure, and woodchips will build up and make new fertile happy soil!