I got a call this morning from my sister who has gotten chickens for her back yard. They got chicks from the local feed store and one has cross beak. The concern is that she is getting proper food. She is smaller than all the rest of the chicks and requires feeding with a dropper several times a day.
Getting any animals is a challenge. And having animals with problems takes patience. The first thing I said was that we need to get her eating on her own. As you can see from the image above, her beak doesn’t line up, it’s literally crossed. Feeding her with an eyedropper several times a day is simply not sustainable. In order for her to live with the rest of the flock, it’s crucial that she can eat on her own.
Chickens are notorious for picking on each other. Once a Chicken is identified as weak by the flock, they will literally peck them to death.
We discussed making a mash of her feed with water by mashing up the baby chick feed with a coffee grinder or crushing it with a pestle and mortar. Then add water till to gets mushy. I also suggested a slightly elevated bowl to encourage her to scoop the food with her lower beak and raise her head to toss it back in her gullet. She must be able to eat on her own if she is to survive. Also feeding her fresh food scraps from the kitchen is an option. Lettuce, (Not Iceberg! It’s not good for animals or humans!)
We also discussed a separate option for her house. Still inside the Chicken enclosure to ensure safety and still allowing her to feel like part of a flock. I have found over the years that isolation for animals that naturally live in groups is difficult. As soon as the others in the flock notice that she is different, problems will happen fast.
The really difficult part of this is that when you raise chicks and need to feed one with an eyedropper several times a day. You get attached quickly. Tweaker is already a big part of my sister’s family and as such will get every chance she can.
Good Luck Tweaker!
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