Vision Boards

    Vision Boards are a fun and easy way to focus your goals and intentions and keep them in your daily line of vision.

    It’s all about Gratitude

    You will need Magazines, Scissors, Glue, Momentos, and Imagination!

    Start by going thru the magazines and pulling images or words that catch your eye. Just rip them out and keep going.

    Then go back and trim around the edges of the image or work that you want to use. Start putting images and words together. They will start to fall into place like a puzzle. Once you like what you see, start gluing them down.

    There is no right or wrong here, have fun!

    It takes heart and guts

    Take some time to think about what you want in your life. What goals are you working on?

    You may choose to put the Vision Board on a piece of cardboard, or maybe in your journal.

    Consider putting the most important thing in the middle and working around it.

    I group colors together and keep moving things around. Layer things up and be creative! Sign and date. I have several years now. It’s very interesting to look back at all of them.

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