Usena / Old Man’s Beard

    Usnea longissima is a genus of lichens that grows on deadwood in the family Parmeliaceae. It grows all over the world wherever the air is clean. Although it is now considered rare in the United State. It’s decline is air pollution and loss of habitat. Here in the Redwood Coastal Forest, it is still abundant. After a big wind, I only have to go outside to find it on the ground. It is very slow-growing, so I personally never take her from the trees. It is too easily found to mess with the growth of this old medicine.

    On a recent spring-like day, a local friend who has been working with Usena for years took me out to learn all about this beautiful natural medicine.

    We are so very lucky to live here in one of the only Old-Growth Coastal Redwood Forest. We went to a familiar spot to take a walk. As we moved down the trail we saw Usena everywhere in the trees. This Lichen is a very slow-growing plant and as such should never be harvested from the trees. It takes a year to grow one foot. So those long flowing pieces are years old!

    The unique combination of fungus and algae makes Usena versatile in the herbal world. It is used for pain relief, fever control, healing of wounds, it loosens phlegm, and also used for weight loss, It is an immune system tonic that can be used for emergency situations, as well as long-term support of our immune systems. There are no side effects and is safe for both pets and children. Its antibiotic properties allow it to specifically benefit the respiratory and urinary systems. And It’s anti-fungal properties make it the go-to herbal medicine for mold exposures. AMAZING!

    As we made our way down the trail, Serene showed me where to ethically harvest Usena. You want to find fresh pieces that have not started their decay back to the earth. And not right off the trail, you want clean pure Old man’s Beard. Usena can be various shades of green, white, or even black.

    Stretchy fibers are
    found inside Old Man’s Beard

    She showed me the difference between Old Man’s Beard and Lace lichen. Which when viewed from a distance, look very similar. If you pull Usena apart, there are stretchy fibers inside. These inside fibers are the part of this plant that affects the digestive system.

    We walked, collected and I chanted a Hawaiian song in thanks. We made our way to the Grandmother Redwood tree well known in this area and just sat awhile in quiet admiration. It is such a wonderful thing to be in such a special place with an amazing like-minded human, so willing to share her wisdom with me. And her secret spots as well.

    Once back home, I went through and garbled out all the sticks and chopped up the Usena into small chunks in preparation for making a tincture. It is best to get your botanicals in the Vodka the same day.

    Usena top, Lace bottom

    The Lace lichen will just break apart. It also looks just like a dragonfly wing when it’s spread out flat. Check out this image to compare the two lichens. Fascinating!

    Making a tincture with Usena is a lengthy double concoction process. We have the alcohol-soluble part and the water-soluble part. This allows our bodies to easily absorb all the natural healing properties from the botanicals. Heat must be involved to extract out all the amazing healing properties.

    First, when back home as previously mentioned. I garbled out all the dirt, sticks and debris. Next, I chopped it up into small palm-sized pieces and put it all into a quart ball jar. 100 proof vodka was then poured over all the Usena until it was completely submerged. Fill completely up to the top so no air is present. If air gets in, it can turn the plant matter. This bottle will now sit for EIGHT TO TEN WEEKS in a dark warm place. I put mine in the cupboard under a towel. Now we wait. Once the 10 weeks have passed, the Usena will be removed from the jar and placed into a pot with 2 cups of water and boiled down by 50%. Then another cup is added and boiled down. Finally, the third cup of water is added and again boiled down. By using the 100 proof vodka and this system, we avoid lots of math! Now is time to add the Usena mixture back to the vodka. First strain out all plant matter and add the reduced liquid to the vodka. Whew!

    Are you still with me? This double concoction method is good for most fungi, plants, and flowers. If this seems way to much for you, Usena tincture can be purchased on The Butterfly Hill in late April of 2022.

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