The Famous Hot Totty

Both of my Grandmother’s favorite home remedies. Definitely our family’s Goto for whatever ails you. Everyone was treated by this medicine in my world.

Hot Toddy’s are simple and fun!

Start with hot water like tea, add a jigger of whiskey, (any whisky will do) then flavor with honey and lemon to taste. I start with a teaspoon of each and add more if necessary.

Lemon can stimulate the body’s defenses to fight all kinds of infections. It helps to clear colds, flu, and bronchitis. It has diuretic properties that help flush the system (kidney’s) And it has also been known to help reduce fever. Lemon is a herbal super-star!

Honey is one of the world’s oldest remedies. It has antiseptic properties and has been used as a health tonic consistently for centuries. It soothes raw tissues, which makes it great for our Toddy! And the Lemon and Honey combination are a famous traditional remedy for coughs. and help to break up congestion!

Sip like tea. Add a cinnamon stick and lemon wedge for garnish. That’s it!


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