The Age of Aquarius

    Marlene Caldes of The Innervoice Network breaks it down!

    The amazing Marlene Caldes of The Innervoice Network explained what moving into The Age of Aquarius means.

    “My body is the mountain, my eyes are the sea, my mind is the sky” is the meditation she shared with us.

    As well as giving us all a Tarot card reading.

    “Starts with the Tower: It’s JUMP time. this is the time to break out of whatever habits and beliefs and jump into your own system of creation, acting on your own inclination, redesigning- whatever your parents or other voices of authority, you now embrace your High Self as the guide for your North Star. then, The Hermit: look at things from your own side of the fence. You don’t need to depend on what your mother or father or voices of authority to set your path, you have your own, so now, this energy propels you to follow that and you will go to the mountaintop! Lastly, the 6 of rods indicates your outcome: you will grab hold of your own growth and attention and go toward your highest aims and aspirations. And, you’ll have those of similar nature and heart join you!”

    The Tower, The Hermit and 6 of Rods

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