Seaweed Gift of the Sea

    Mother Nature’s healing Seaweed

    Gifts of the Sea Bull Kelp

    I have been on the beach most of my life. My Mother and Father were free divers in Monterey Bay. My whole family would have fish boils on the beach with my Father and Uncles coming out of the Ocean with fish they speared. My Grandmother in her wetsuit would clam on the beach, while us children would collect Periwinkles and seaweed to add to the giant pot boiling over an open fire in the sand.

    If we had a cut or scrape, my Grandmother would make a bandaid of seaweed and tell us that we were Mermaids and that the Sea and Seaweed would heal us. I still believe that to be true.

    I have been experimenting with Seaweed for several months. All summer long I collected Seaweed and brought it home and dried it on screens in the sun.

    Sea Lettuce , Grapestone and Giant Kelp Seaweed drying in the Sun
    Drying Bull Kelp Seaweed

    I have been able to find five different types of Seaweed on my local beach and use them in every product we make here on The Butterfly Hill. Coralline, the beige, Sea Lettuce, Giant Kelp, Bull Kelp, and Duse.

    Five types of Seaweed in every product from The Butterfly Hill

    I have made three different products with all the Seaweed collected this summer.

    The first is a Seaweed Salt Scrub. It’s a great way to help clean any skin ailments and slough off dead skin cells. This is the first step to smoother softer healthier skin. I keep a jar in the shower and use it daily on my gardener’s hands, feet and any itchy spots.

    Seaweed Salt Scrub

    The second is an Aloe Seaweed liquid bandaid. This allows the affected area to have a protective shield. Apply liberally and allow to dry.

    Seaweed Bandaid

    The third is the Seaweed oil. Once your Seaweed bandaid is dry. Place oil on the affected area whenever it drys out or gets itchy. Keep it close by and use it frequently. It feels soooo good!

    Seaweed oil

    I have seen people with bad shingles that have been troublesome for years have major relief in just days! The Salt scrub breaks down the hard exterior and allows the Seaweed to get into the affected areas.

    The Seaweed liquid bandaid seals the healing Seaweed directly where it is needed most.

    And the oils allow deep penetration to the skins multiple layers.

    I have also seen major benefits for psoriasis. By using the Seaweed trio at the first sign of trouble, you can not only slow down a painful episode but keep your skin healthier without harmful drugs.

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