These Butterflies are very special to me. I was born in Pacific Grove on Monterey Bay here in California. Literally, right behind our house were the eculyptus trees that were home to the magnificent creatures. As a small child I can remember thinking that I was magic beacuse they flew all around us kids. They were everywhere. Little did I know how very special that was.
And now as the species is having such a hard time, I wanted to do what I can to help. So I started planting Milkweed. The first year, all my plants died back. But luckily they came right back in the spring. I am hopeful that as they get bigger they may not die back. (Fingers Crossed). It is said to attract Monarch Butterflies you need to have at least two varities of Milkweed. And finding Milkweed that has not been sprayed by the grower for mold in shipping is not easy. Specialized nuseries have been the place that I have found several varities. Look on the under side of the plant to see if there are small white eggs. Many times Milkweed will come with some eggs already attached.

Growing them from seed is the only way to know for sure. I have found this to be fairly easy. I plant the seeds in big pots and they sprout and grow fast once they get going. I need LOTS of Milkweed for my Caterpillars. They eat much more than you might think.
I keep my Caterpillars inside in a mesh laundry hamper with a full spectrum plant light on them. They have many preadators outside, such as ants and wasps. I cut milkweed and put them in vases so there is no room for any small Caterpillars to fall into the water. And their enviroment needs to be kept clean daily. (just like any critters.)
Once the little tiny Caterpillars hatch they will start eating immediately. They will eat and eat and eat until they are about 1 1/2 to 2 inches long. They grow so fast that they will shed their skin several times. This takes about a month depending on the temperature.
Then they will hang upside down in a J and start the metamorphosis by spinning their Pupa or Chrysalis. Which will start as a dark green and will get transparent before they hatch out. They will be in this state for 12 to 16 days. When they emerge, they have become Butterflies!
The Butterflies live for 2 to 6 weeks and after mating, will lay eggs when they encounter Milkweed. The exception is the last generation of the season will live for several months.

So get out there and PLANT MILKWEED!