
The Mellow Yellow Wonder

Lemons are one of those amazing fruits, they are readily available. (One of our neighbors, puts out baskets full to share) And have been used since the beginning of time for their healing properties.

Lemons break up the toxins and the crystallized deposits in joints, thereby aiding in arthritis.

Aromatherapy: slice a lemon to help with nausea. The smell triggers the digestive system and stills a queasy stomach.

For this reason, it’s also a great way to clean out the digestive system. Squeeze the juice of a lemon into warm water and drink sip.

The acidity in Lemons makes it a warrior against viruses and bacteria. Another reason to love Lemon!

It’s astringent properties help to reduce oil and restore your natural PH to hair. Mix 1/4 cup of Lemon juice in 2 cups of water and massage into the scalp and hair. Leave on for 2-3 minutes and rinse. Do this 2 to 3 times a week.

It’s a natural exfoliant with astringent properties. Mix Lemon juice with equal parts water and apply to the skin. Let dry. Rinse off and moisturize. I use our Rose Hip face oil.

Lemons have been known to reduce skin tags. Apply with a cotton ball or q-tip directly to skin tag 3 times a day.

Lemons can also be used to reduce age spots. Rub half a Lemon directly onto spots. Let dry and rinse.

Lemons juiced on greens is said to help absorb minerals more readily.

Lemons clean and clear garden fingernails. Cut a Lemon in half and plunge your fingernails into the Lemon.

Warning: The acid in Lemons can be hard on the enamel of your teeth, so be sure to brush after use!

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