Gua Sha massage

    Gua Sha massage is done with a stone. You firmly scrape the skin of your face, neck, and joints creating a slight redness to break down scar tissue and increase circulation in the connective tissues of the joints. Basically, it affects the capillaries right under the skin which causes redness. And in some instances slight bruising.

    Gua Sha is of Chinese medicine that believes the Chi or energy flow can become blocked which causes pain. This type of massage can be really beneficial and it’s easy to do. And it is said that it can also benefit our immune system.

    I have found doing Gua Sha massage daily on my face and neck. And sometimes my sholders and back really help break up the tension and increase blood flow to greatly reduce pain and inflamtion.

    When doing the Gua Sha massage always go upward. Start at your nose and move in upward motions towards your temples. Start at your chin and move in upwards strokes to your cheekbone. On your forhead start at your eyebrows and move up toards your hairline.

    I use a rose quartz Butterfly Gua Sha and love the many different feels of both the rounded and pointed stone. The coolness feels lovely against my skin as it increases blood flow and reduces inflmation. You may also want to try warming your Gua Sha and massaging with it warm. This will also incrase blood flow to the effected areas. I stick to cool on my face.

    • who have medical conditions affecting the skin or veins
    • who bleed easily
    • who take medication to thin their blood
    • who have deep vein thrombosis
    • who have an infection, tumor, or wound that has not healed fully
    • who have an implant, such as a pacemaker or internal defibrillator

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