Flower Meanings

    Everyone knows that Roses are associated with Love. But what about the others?

    Field of Flowers in Botanical Gardens

    People have been associating meanings to flowers for centuries. The Romans used Laurel for the wreaths they wore to signify victory. Shakespeare used many floral references in his writings to describe love. Here are some of my favorites.

    Aloe/affection. Amaryllis/pride. Anemone/forsaken. Angelica/call the angels. Appleblossom/preference. Aster/symbol of love or daintiness. Anemone/forsaken.

    Bay/glory. Begonia/beware of dark thoughts. Belladonna/silence. Bittersweet/truth. Blackeyed Susan/justice. Blue Hyacinth/constancy. Bluebells/humility or kindness. Blue Salvia/I think of you. Borage/bluntness or directness. Butterfly weed/let me go.


    Calla/beauty. Carnation/women, love. Chamomile/patience in adversity. Chive/usefulness. Clematis/mental beauty. Columbine/foolishness. Coreopsis/cheerful. Coriander/merit. Crocus/gladness. Cyclemen/resigination.


    Daffodil/unequaled love. Dahila/good taste. Daisy/hope. Dill/ward off evil.


    Fennell/flattery. Fern/Sincerity, humility, magic, and bonds of love. Forget me not/true love memories.


    Gardenia/secret love. Geranium/true friendship. Gladiolus/remembrance. Goldenrod/good fortune.

    Hibiscus/delicate beauty. Heather/admirationHolly/foresight. Hollyhock/ambition. Honeysuckle/bonds of love. Hyacinth/play. Hydrangea/gratitude for being understood. Hyssop/sacrifice.

    Hydrangea flowers

    Iris/a message. Ivy/friendship, fidelity.

    Ladies Slipper/capricious beauty. Larkspur/lightness, levity. Laurel/glory. Lavender/distrust. Lemon Balm/sympathy. Lilac/joy of youth. Lily of the Valley/sweetness, purity. Lotus/enlightenment, rebirth.


    Magnolia/love of nature. Marigold/despair, grief. Marjoram/joy and happiness. Mint/virtue. Morning Glory/affection. Myrtle/good luck and love in marriage.

    Nasturium/patriotism. Narcissus/melting ego.

    Oak/strength. Orange Blossoms/purity and loveliness. Oregano/substance.


    Pansy/thoughts. Parsley/festivity. Peony/bashfulness. Pine/humility. Pink Camilla/longing. Pink Carnation/self-acceptance. Pink Pomegranates/conceit. Pink Rose/happiness. Peonies/bashfulness. Purple Columbine/resolution. Purple Hyacinth/sorrow.

    Rose Bud

    Red Camilla/heart flame. Red Carnation/heartache. Red Chrysanthemum/I love you. Red Columbine/anxious. Red Poppy/consolation. Red Salvia/forever mine. Red Tulip/passion. Rhododendron/danger, beware. Red Rose/I love you. Rosemary/remembrance.

    Sage/wisdom. Savory/interest. Snapdragon/deception. Sorrel/affection. Spearmint/warmth of sediment. Stock/lasting beauty. SunFlower/adoration. Sweet Basil/good wishes. SweetPea/delicate pleasures.

    Tarragon/lasting interest. Thyme/courage, strength. Tulips/passion.


    Valerian/readiness. Violet/loyalty.


    White Camilla/adorable. White Carnation/innocence. White Chrysanthemum/truth. White Hyacinth/prayers for someone. White Jasmine/sweet love. White Rose/worthiness. Willow/sadness.

    Yarrow/everlasting love. Yellow Chrysanthemum/slighted love. Yellow Hyacinth/jealousy. Yellow Jasmine/grace. Yellow Rose/jealousy, infidelity. Yellow Tulip/sunshine.

    Zinnia/thoughts of absent friends.

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