DIY Yeast Rolls

    A Kay’s Quick Yeast Rolls

    In a large bowl combine 6 tablespoons of sugar and 6 tablespoons of shortening. Pour over 1 cup of boiling water stir until dissolved. When lukewarm add 2 packages of dry yeast, stir until dissolved. Add 2 eggs, slightly beaten, 1 cup evaporated milk, 2 teaspoons salt. Mix well.

    Add 5 cups of flour and beat with spoon. Cover and put in warm spot to rise until it has doubled in size.

    Heavily flour board and knead until barely sticky. Pinch out rolls and place on greased pan and let rise again.

    Bake at 425 until brown and brush with butter while still hot.

    Makes 3 to 4 dozen

    Aunt Kay as a Flower at the Wonderland Party

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