DIY Home Spa

    Use Natural Brushes


    Fresh Grapefruit is high in Vitamin C and potassium. Slice fresh Grapefruit and rub on acne as it has mild exfoliating properties and helps to reduce toxins in the skin. Drinking fresh-squeezed juice will also help to encourage healthy skin.

    Cucumber is high in Vitamin C. Place slices placed on your eyes helps to reduce inflammation and eye strain. Skin conditions also respond well to Cucumber so eat it fresh daily when problems arise.

    Fresh Organic Cucumber

    Avacado is an antioxidant and antibacterial which makes for perfect when applied to rashes and as a mask to soothe and smooth the skin. Mash an Avacado and add a little Olive Oil to make a soothing face mask.

    Plain Yogurt is loaded with minerals and vitamins such as riboflavin which protects from sun damage. It also contains lactic acid which exfoliates and moisturizes the skin. Spread on face and leave for 15 minutes. You can add mashed banana for extra antioxidant powers.

    Olive Oil also moisturizes dry skin and has many antioxidants to protect from the sun. It also contains a fatty acid called oleic acid which helps cells absorb nutrients. Massage into skin twice daily.

    Sea Salt has drying powers to remove oil from your skin. Add 1 teaspoon of salt to 2 cups of filtered water. Use a spray bottle to mist your face, without rinsing. Use daily.

    Sea Salt

    Tomato juice is a natural astringent that tightens pores. Place a diced tomato in a blender until you get a thick paste. Apply to your face. Once it dries, rinse with cool water and apply a moisturizer. Use twice a week.

    Egg whites applied to the skin tighten and draw out oils. Eggs have astringent properties that will aid in clearing your skin. Add the juice of half a lemon and wisk. Apply to the face and let harden into a mask. Wash with warm water and apply moisturizer. Use once or twice a week.

    Yogurt, banana, Egg & lemon , Avocado masks


    Honey is an excellent moisturizer and can be rubbed into the skin as a revitalizing mask. You can also add Onion juice to help heal your skin. Add 1 teaspoon of Onion juice to 2 tablespoons of Honey. Mix well. Apply to your face and leave for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse with warm water followed by cool water.

    Olive Oil is high in vitamin E and is great to reduce the itch of eczema, dandruff, and psoriasis. Which makes it an awesome carrier oil for skin ailments.

    Apple Cider Vinegar in the bath soothes skin issues and helps draw out toxins from the skin. Use with rashes or poison oak.


    Beer makes for a healthy hair rinse. Open and let go warm and flat. Rinse after shampooing and leave in for a few minutes and rinse. It has proteins and will create volume and has drying properties for oily hair due to the alcohol.

    Deep conditioning hair treatment; mash half an avocado and add mayonnaise about a 1/4 cup (The real thing with egg and oil). Apply to the scalp working out to the ends of your hair, cover with a shower cap and wrap with a hot wet towel and leave on for 30 minutes.

    Steep Rosemary in Apple Cider Vinegar for 2 weeks. Shaking occasionally. After the 2 weeks strain, bottle label, and date. When washing hair use it as a final rinse to naturally nourish the scalp. To combat dandruff, massage into the scalp for 20 minutes before washing.


    Simply adding dried Lavender to a hot bath will soothe and calm you. Adding just a drop or two of Lavender essential oil will make your bath even more luxurious.

    French Lavender is a luxuriuos addition

    Adding fresh flower buds to your bath has a way of making a simple bath extraordinary, give it a try.

    Hydrangea, Fuchsia, St. John’s Wort, and Daisies from the garden

    Oatmeal is a soothing bath addition that helps with any skin ailment. Milk, Oatmeal, and Baking Soda will temper red irritated skin. For a cleaner bath, put the Oatmeal in a small fabric bag or cheesecloth and tie it to the water spout. You get all the benefits without the mess.


    Mix equal parts honey and milk. Starting at your feet massage into your skin. Simply rinse off and enjoy your soft silky skin!


    Cut a fresh lemon in half and plunge your fingernails into the flesh of the lemon for 5 to 10 minutes, then buff. This cleans and shines up natural fingernails.

    Fresh Organic Lemons


    Lavender oil aids in healing and cell regeneration, which may help in reducing scars as you heal.

    Coconut Oil stimulates the production of collagen, which will help diminish scars.

    Aloe Vera gel softens skin, reduces inflammation, and stimulates collagen production. Apply to scars several times a day.


    Coconut Oil counteracts the causes of wrinkles. It is also rich in antioxidants that help to protect the skin from free radicals that damage skin. Its antifungal and antibacterial properties can protect against infection. Rub into wrinkles twice daily.

    Olive Oil moisturizes dry skin and has many antioxidants to protect from the sun. It also contains a fatty acid called oleic acid which helps cells absorb nutrients. Massage into skin twice daily.

    Don’t forget the chocolate strawberry hearts

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