Of the Garden


    A Kid-Friendly Fun & Safe Popper for the 4th of July You will need: Toilet paper rolls, paint, tissue paper, glue, scissors, and dried flower petals. Start by painting the cardboard roll red, white and blue. Let your paint dry thoroughly Cut your ballon at the wide spot like this. Next glue ballon on the coordinating color. Again let dry thoroughly. You can decorate your… Read More »Poppers!

    Family Receipes

      One of your greatest inspirations is the family recipe box or book. If you are lucky enough to have yours, then celebrate. If not go in search of those family favorites! Ask relatives to share what they have. Collect as many as you can and then spend time exploring the same recipes that you grew up loving. One of my favorite gifts ever was a… Read More »Family Receipes

      100-Year-old Relish

        From an old Native American Recipe I first had this relish at my Aunt Nancy’s who is a chef. It was a surprise to me, as I don’t like bell peppers. Now I make this every year as the weather starts to change and fall is on my mind. 1 Large Onion diced 1 Large Bell Pepper diced 1 Cup Sugar 1 cup White Vinegar… Read More »100-Year-old Relish