Altars are a way to create a scared space in our enviornment to help us focus and keep us connected to the Light. They ground us and are an instant reconnection to all the peace, power and love of the Light.

Full Fireplace Dia de los Muretos altar

Many people all over the world have altars in their worship. The Hawaiian people create altars for many reasons. They build beautiful displays of flowers and ferns and tend them, pray/chant, and dance Hula. All are ways to stay connected to ancestors and relatives.

Kumu Patrick Makuakane’s Hula altar


Offerings can be many things. Traditionally flowers, fruit, candles as well as symbols for the Four Elements: Air, which can be a feather. Fire, which can be a candle. Earth, a plant or rock or crystal… (Something of the earth.) And Water, a Seashell, or a bowl of water.

Painted candles are a great way to put intention on altars
Seashells represent water on altars

Dia de los Muertos or the Day of the Dead celebrations in Mexico place the favorite things of their loved ones on the altar in the belief that the veil between the worlds is thinnest on November 1st. The day after All Hallow Eve.

Small or large make your altar!

Have fun with your altars and use your Vision Boards on them. Tend them daily. See your goals daily. Focus your mind on what you want in life. Always remember that your Word is your Wand. Use your altar as a tool for movement.

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