As I watched the Caterpillars grow, I had no idea the journey they would take me on….
Early on in our lockdown, my Birthday arrived. I got a email that a package was at my P. O. So I masked up and picked up the present that magically arrived on my actual birthday! It was a set to raise Caterpillars to Butterflies that my sister had sent.
I rushed home and set up their environment. After several weeks of eating and growing, the Pillars were starting to spin silk webbing. This this how they attach the cocoon to the plant. Soon the first Pillar started to form its cocoon. The others soon followed. Then came the great wait. I watched every day for what seemed like forever. I even cried thinking I had done something wrong. The very next day a Butterfly emerged. And the day after that another and another. Our first is named Hope. Then came Ethel and Penelope. Fancy and Billie came last. After just a few days they were ready to fly. I noticed that Billie’s body and wings were curved. She was having trouble flying. We gave her several days to try and fly, but she can not. So we have made her a very comfortable environment. She tries every day to get strong enough to fly.
As I have observed these incredible creatures, these words keep coming to mind, “Be brave like the Caterpillar, so you can fly like the Butterfly”.
Never give up Billie!