The onion which grows world-wide is a powerful healing powerhouse. The Onion attracts water, which is why you cry when cutting one. This tear stimulation makes Onions great to use on colds, hay fever and allergies.
Simply peel an onion and hover over it to clear your congestion!
Onions have been used for years for treating bronchial problems. They have a rich source of quercetin, which is an anti-inflammatory compound. Make onion soup when ill, eat it often!
Onions contain the antimicrobial agent allicin, which protects against infection.
Onion mixed with Honey was the most widely used remedy during the great depression. To this day, many still talk about this one. Honey is used to draw the juice from an onion making a powerful and effective cough syrup. Slice an onion into rings and place in a deep bowl. Cover with honey and let sit for 10-12 hours. Strain out the onion and take 1 tablespoon of the syrup four or five times a day.
A poultice of fried onion, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and corn meal is a old remedy for congestion and difficulty breathing. Fry an onion in olive oil and add apple cider vinegar and let bubble and boil. Stir in a handful of cornmeal and apply to chest and throat with towels while still warm.
There is an old Wives Tale that says to cut an Onion and place it at the bedside of someone sick. The Onion is said to absorb the bad stuff out of the patient and the air.
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