Dry Brushing

    Dry brushing is a daily massage with a firm natural bristle brush. Its very benefical for the skin to exfoliate, increase circulation and detoxify. It also helps break down celluite. I have been doing it for a couple of months and definately see the benefits. Espically the detoxifling elemement to keep my senstive skin healthy and minimze trouble areas.

    Exfoliating unclogs pores and increases circulation. Always a good thing! The increased circulaion also promotes lymphatic drainage with helps keep the lymphatic systems in our body healthy. And it has an effect on our neverous systems and literally makes you feel better.

    Sensitive skin may need a slightly softer brush. Or you can also use a washcloth to buff your skin or use it on a child’s skin. Never brush moles, warts, or any breaks in the skin. I also avoid any areas that are red and inflamed. Such as sunburn areas, although tempting. It’s inflamed and can cause more irritation.

    How to Dry Brush

    Dry brushing is done before getting into the shower. You do not want to brush in the shower as hot water will increase the chances of skin irritations.

    Typically you want to start at your feet and use smooth strokes upward towards your heart. Overlapping several strokes are a good technique. Then move on until you get all the skin on your feet and legs. Don’t forget the back of your knees as there are lymph nodes there!

    Next move onto your torso and again move multipul strokes towards the heart. There are more lymph nodes in your groin area make sure you get them!

    Now the arms. Start at the hands and use those smooth strokes to get all the surfaces of your arms and neck. Again there are lymph nodes under your arms and in your neck under your ears. Get them!

    Then shower normally.

    That’s it! It takes just a few minutes each day and feels great!

    P.S. It is not recommended to dry brush your face, as that skin is more sensitive. And If you have issues with your lymphatic systems such as missing or decreased production you may consider checking with your doctor before dry brushing. As you may need to brush away from the heart in some instances.

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