
Change, change, change

    Watch Monarch Caterpillars spin their pupae to begin the metamorphosis in time-lapse! Come join our fun community!


      These Butterflies are very special to me. I was born in Pacific Grove on Monterey Bay here in California. Literally, right behind our house were the eculyptus trees that were home to the magnificent creatures. As a small child I can remember thinking that I was magic beacuse they flew all around us kids. They were everywhere. Little did I know how very special that… Read More »Monarchs

      Nana’s Portagee Beans Recipe

        Being Portaguese is one of my favorite things in life. We are a gregerious fun loving party people. Food is always the center of every celebration. In my families someone will pick a recipe and cook it for most of our gatherings. Portaguese Beans is one of the dishes that I remember most from being a small child. I was not a good eater and… Read More »Nana’s Portagee Beans Recipe

        5 Elements for a Killer Party

          Being a Wedding Photographer for years, I went to A LOT of parties. Every weekend for 20+ years. Sometimes 3 to 4 a weekend. I saw it all. Good parties, and bad parties. I now realize there are a few elements to having a great party. No matter what kind of party, from a kids birthday to a wedding and everything in between. All it… Read More »5 Elements for a Killer Party


            A Kid-Friendly Fun & Safe Popper for the 4th of July You will need: Toilet paper rolls, paint, tissue paper, glue, scissors, and dried flower petals. Start by painting the cardboard roll red, white and blue. Let your paint dry thoroughly Cut your ballon at the wide spot like this. Next glue ballon on the coordinating color. Again let dry thoroughly. You can decorate your… Read More »Poppers!

            Monterey Seaweed

              On a recent trip back to where I was born on Monterey Bay to see family, I went walking on the beach. Firstly the sand is soooo soft at the back of the bay in Pacific Grove. And the Seaweeds are bright, beautiful, and colorful. I collected some off the beach and took it home to be dried for The Butterfly Hill. We will be… Read More »Monterey Seaweed

              Redwood Fairy Circles

                Are one of the most magical places in the forest. They are created by Redwood trees that have grown together for thousands of years. A single Redwood tree will have many sprouts at the bottom of the trunk. Over time, the original Grandmother tree will fall or in many instances be cut and the remaining trees grow in almost a perfect circle around her as… Read More »Redwood Fairy Circles

                Hag Stones

                  Hag Stones are are stones that have a naturally occuring hole in them. They have been found by archaelolgists all over the world. And are believed to be a highly sacred magical stone. The Celtic belief is that if you look thru a Hag Stone that you can see into the Fae or Fairy World. They would tie them around their neck when traveling through… Read More »Hag Stones